
About admin@apexpyramid.org

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So far admin@apexpyramid.org has created 6 blog entries.

    A journey of Self-discovery and Growth: Pilgrimage or Adventure ?

    In every age, men have set out on pilgrimages. Those who have studied religions and mysticism of East and West would be familiar that the human soul has been equated to a traveller. In India, pilgrimages have long been ways of fulfilling religious vows. For centuries, people are used to the familiar habit of journeying [...]

    By |2019-09-06T11:56:06+05:30September 7th, 2016|Program related|0 Comments

      Desire and Grow !

      [Reading Time: 4 minutes] Hindu and Buddhist theology says that the pursuit of happiness and evading unhappiness is the most intrinsic and basic human tendency and dictates all our actions. Hindu scriptures also say that human life is based on the four pillars;  Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. That, there is no liberation [Moksha] till [...]

      By |2020-04-26T00:11:22+05:30September 7th, 2016|Program related|0 Comments

        Conditioning: It defines us

        We believe our choices are based on intelligence. But mostly, we act out of conditioning. I read somewhere that this is an account of an actual experiment. However, in the absence of specific details, I present this as a story. That fact does not in any way diminish the value of what we can learn [...]

        By |2019-09-06T11:56:07+05:30September 7th, 2016|Program related|0 Comments

          Principles of Yoga – Contemporary perspectives

          APEX Pyramid emphasises on the application of the principles of  Yoga  to achieve a life which is value based, free of contradictions and harmonious. These days most people associate “Yoga” with Asanas [postures].  People think of Yoga as physical exercise that stretches the body, increases physical flexibility, and helps lose weight and get into better physical shape. Yoga [...]

          By |2016-11-21T12:21:23+05:30August 15th, 2016|Yoga|0 Comments

            Excellent Performance through Meditative States. Let Go !

            The Olympics are on. After years of discipline, months of training and a life spent with single minded focus the athletes arrive at the starting blocks. We think winning is about beating your opponents, it is the triumph of your skill over everyone’s skills. NO. Most sports are about personal achievement. It is always about [...]

            By |2019-09-06T11:56:07+05:30August 14th, 2016|Current events|0 Comments

              M..an..imal : Move over, Animals, Homo INsapien is here !

              Earlier this month, I was reading the WhatsApp exchanges between few friends, who were discussing what happened in Nice. Around the same time last year, I had spent few days at Nice and the promenade was a favourite place where we could spend hours soaking in the warm sun, the breeze and the beauty of [...]

              By |2019-09-06T11:56:07+05:30July 21st, 2016|Current events|0 Comments