A Workshop for achieving outstanding Success and Happiness through Growth in Intelligence, Strength and Wealth
You are the driver of everything in your life. An improvement in your core manifests itself in every dimension of your life. This Workshop achieves that improvement by special focus on YOUR GROWTH in the THREE aspects of Intelligence, Strength and Wealth.
The Workshop analyses and explains the different levels and qualitative aspects of these three forces. This analysis initiates in you a deep reflective and contemplative process of Self discovery, making you come to terms with your individual levels of Intelligence, Strength and Wealth.
Once this new intelligence has been internalised, it takes you on an interesting journey to examine your individual and cultural conditioning. This process helps identify the reasons of your negativity and energy blocks. The very process of examining your conditioning weakens the hold it has over you. A process of deep cleansing is then undertaken, to remove all the negativity and to release the blocks in your energy flows.
The Workshop trains you to access higher levels of Intelligence, Strength and Wealth. The higher levels bring clarity in all aspects of work, help enhance productivity, leading to Creativity and Intuition, and creating professional and financial success.
Once you master the Higher Levels of Intelligence, you achieve enhanced self-awareness and self-esteem. Your relationship WITH YOURSELF undergoes a miraculous change. This change reflects in all your relationship, bringing satisfaction and harmony in your life.
APEX Pyramid synthesises learning from Indian and Western philosophies and Eastern mysticism to bring you the core learning of each, to help you drive impactfull and permanent changes in your perspectives, personality and life.
APEX Instant Meditation helps you access your higher intelligence, anywhere, anytime even in a Meeting, AND with your eyes wide open. ONE to ONE Sessions and Custom Designed Creative Visualisation for every participant are exclusive features of this Workshop.
[ APEX PYRAMID Workshop is spread over 12 sessions and is held in BANGALORE ]
A journey of Self-discovery and Growth: Pilgrimage or Adventure ?
In every age, men have set out on pilgrimages. Those who have [...]
Desire and Grow !
[Reading Time: 4 minutes] Hindu and Buddhist theology says that the pursuit [...]
Conditioning: It defines us
We believe our choices are based on intelligence. But mostly, we act [...]