Project Description

Alpha Brain Waves

[7.5 to 12 Hz] are associated with Meditative state. This workshop has few sessions of Guided Meditation to train you to achieve Alpha Brainwave States. More importantly, this workshop ensures that each participant is able to achievedeep levels of Alpha meditation independently.

Our brain consists of billions of neurons in different regions that use electricity as a way to communicate with one another. The combination of synchronized electrical activity caused by neurons is called a “brain wave” because of its cyclic and “wave-like” nature. This involves the synapses firing in a synchronized manner creating a neural network. That is linked to a specific state of consciousness, thoughts, and moods. This is explained as “the neurons that are wired together fire together”

Alpha is ‘the power of now’, being here, in the present. Alpha is a state of relaxed, focused concentration. During Alpha wave states, one is connected to the subconscious and higher intelligence, which aids retrieval of stored intelligence and impressions which we are not even aware of. Alpha aids overall mental coordination, calmness, alertness, mind/body integration and learning.

Scientific studies have shown that a surge of Alpha activity happens during peak performance. In professional sportsmen, studies showed a connection between improvement in game and high-level, peak performance with more Alpha waves

The Benefits of Alpha Brain Waves

• Super learning, enhanced memory and higher intelligence happens mostly in Alpha brainwave states, because there is more Brain power available to process and retain large amounts of information.
• Alpha brainwaves cause reduction in tension and nervousness and are attendant with calm thought processes and clarity.
• Alpha level incidence is found to be much higher in artists, musicians and creative thinkers.
• Alpha brainwaves tend to focus the brain as there is very low clutter. This aids problem solving capacity as opposed to Beta states, where there is too much brain activity and the problem solving capacity is impaired.
• Alpha brainwaves, with the increased focus, allot more processing power to respond to any situation. This gives better ability to cope with stressful situations, resulting in a more positive, stable and balanced emotional outlook.

Most importantly with regular practice and training we can access Alpha States on demand taking us into meditative states with eyes open, anywhere and anytime of the day. And with that, we can derive the immense benefits of higher levels of intelligence and awareness in every situation.