Project Description
Feel Peak Experience. More importantly, the workshop trains you to achieve such moments on a regular basis, through increased clarity and a better connect with life.
Peak experiences have been described as experience of transcendence, attendant with moments of pure joy and elation. These experiences are sudden feelings of intense happiness and well-being, and possibly the awareness of “ultimate truth” and the unity of all things. Accompanying these experiences is a heightened sense of control over the body and emotions, and a wider sense of awareness, as though one was standing upon a mountaintop.
These are experiences that stand out from everyday events. The memory of such events is lasting and people who have had these experience compare them to a spiritual experience. The three important characteristics of peak experience have been explained as feelings of:
1. Significance: an increase in personal awareness and understanding and can serve as a turning point in a person’s life.
2. Fulfilment: Peak experiences generate positive emotions and are intrinsically rewarding.
3. Spirituality: During a peak experience, people feel at one with the world and a sense of connectedness and oneness with the world.
Concept of “flow” is also examined in this session.
Maslow,Toward a Psychology of Being,
Carducci, The Psychology of Personality: Viewpoints, Research, and Applications